
Minutolunaria rhombica (Bassler, 1911)

1860     Archaeopora radians — Eichwald , pp. 491, fig. XXIV 20
1861     Archaeopora radians m. — Eichwald , pp. 67, fig. III 20
1877     Dianulitesrhombicus Nicholson sp. — Dybowski , pp. 33, fig. I 9
1911     Anolotichia rhombica, new species — Bassler , pp. 92, fig. 2:9; 6:6,7; text fig. 29
2002     Minutolunaria rhombica (Bassler, 1911) — Pushkin , pp. 415
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Pushkin, V. I., Gataulina, G. M. 1992. A Revision of the Early Palaeozoic Bryozoan of the order Cystoporida from E. Eichwald's collection. Voprosy paleontologii X, 88-97.
Bassler, R. S. 1911. The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. Bulletin of the US National Museum 77, 1-382.
Dybowski, W. 1877. Die Chaetetiden der ostbaltischen Silur-formation. pp. 1-134.
Eichwald, E. 1861. Paleontologiâ Rossii. Drevnij period. II. Fauna grauvakkovoj, gornoizvestkovoj i medistoslancevatoj formacij Rossii. pp. 1-521. R. Golike (former Ya. Ionsona).
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