Prodarwinia striata James, 1878
1878 Lyellia striata — James , pp. 10
1888 Strombodes pygmaeus Rominger — Foerste , pp. 120, fig. 13:18
1906 Arachnophyllum mamillare-wilmingtonensis — Foerste , pp. 320
1979 Arachnophyllum mamillare (Owen) — Laub , pp. 194, fig. 7:3
1988 Prodarwinia striata (James, 1878) — Scrutton , pp. 36, fig. 6:2,7,8; 7:8-12
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Scrutton, C. T. 1988. Amural arachnophyllid corals from the Silurian of the North Atlantic area. Palaeontology 32, 1, 1-53.
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Cnidaria |
Subphylum | Anthozoa |
Subclass | Rugosa |
Order | Stauriida |
Suborder | Arachnophyllina |
Family | Arachnophyllidae |
Genus | Prodarwinia |
Species | speciosa |
striata |
Levinneisyys ja viitteet
- Scrutton, 1988 Visby, Gotland Llandovery