
Prophyllodictya intermedia Gorjunova, 1987

17     Prophyllodictya intermedia Gorjunova, 1987 — Gorjunova & Lavretjeva , pp. 38, fig. 1:1-2; text fig.8a
1987     Prophyllodictya intermedia Gorjunova, sp. nov. — Gorjunova & Lavretjeva , pp. 47, fig. V 1
1992     Prophyllodictya intermedia Gorjunova, 1987 — Gorjunova , pp. 12, fig. 5
1996     Prophyllodictya intermedia Gorjunova — Gorjunova , fig. XXXV 1
2011     Prophyllodictya intermedia Gorjunova, 1987 — Koromyslova , pp. 947
2022     Prophyllodictya intermedia Gorjunova, 1987 in Gorjunova & Lavrentjeva, 1987 — Ernst , pp. 60, fig. 16C-F; 17A-C
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Ernst, A. 2022. Bryozoan fauna from the Kunda Stage (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician) of Estonia and NW Russia. Bulletin of Geosciences 97, 1, 33–68. DOI:10.3140/bull.geosci.1843
Gorjunova, R. V., Lavrentjeva, V. D. 1993. Morphology and system of the cryptostome bryozoans. Transactions of the Paleontological Institute (PIN) 257, 1-151. Nauka.
Gorjunova, P. V., Lavrentjeva, V. D. 1987. Novyj rod Prophyllodictya - drevnejšij predstavitel' kriptostomidnyh mšanok. Paleontologicheski Zhurnal 1987, 1, 41-49.
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