
Acanthodiformes Berg, 1940

Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Pinakhina, D. V., Märss, T. 2018. The Middle Devonian acanthodian assemblage of the Karksi outcrop in Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 67, 1, 96-111. DOI:10.3176/earth.2018.07
Pinakhina, D. V. 2018. A New Cheiracanthid Acanthodian Species from the Aruküla Regional Stage (Middle Devonian, Givetian) of the Eastern Main Devonian Field. Paleontological Journal 52, 1, 42-48. DOI:10.1134/S0031030118010112
Glinskiy, V. N., Pinakhina, D. V. 2018. New data on psammosteid heterostracans (Pteraspidomorpha) and acanthodians (Acanthodii) from the Pärnu Regional Stage (Lower Eifelian, Middle Devonian) of Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 67, 1, 76-87. DOI:10.3176/earth.2018.05
Pinakhina, D. V. 2018. Srednedevonskie akantodovye ryby (Acanthodii) Severo-Zapadnogo subregiona Vostočno-Evropejskoi Platformy. pp. 1-381. St. Peterburg State University.
Beznosov, P. 2009. A redescription of the Early Carboniferous acanthodian Acanthodes lopatini Rohon, 1889. Acta Zoologica 1, Suppl.1, 183-193. DOI:10.1111j.1463-6395.2008.00352.x
Märss, T., Kleesment, A., Niit, M. 2008. Karksilepis parva gen. et sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes) from the Burtnieki Regional Stage, Middle Devonian of Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 57, 4, 219-230. DOI:10.3176/earth.2008.4.02
Niit, M. 2004. Applicability of microfossils of the Burtnieki Stage in stratigraphy [Bakalaureusetöö. Juhendaja: E. Pirrus; kaasjuhendajad: A.-L. Kleesment, T. Märss]. bakalaureusetöö, pp. . Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli mäeinstituut.
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