Osteolepiformes Berg, 1937
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Newman, M. J., Mark-Kurik, E., Den Blaauwen, J. L., Zupiņš, I. 2015. Scottish Middle Devonian fishes in Estonia. Scottish Journal of Geology 51, 2, 141-147. DOI:10.1144/sjg2014-006
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List of species
1. Cryptolepis grossi Vorobyeva, 1975 | Upper Devonian
2. Eusthenopteron foordi Whiteaves, 1881 | Plavinas Stage
3. Eusthenopteron kurshi Zupinš, 2008 | Frasnian
4. Eusthenopteron obruchevi Vorobyeva, 1977 | Amata Stage
5. Eusthenopteron saeve-soederberghi Jarvik, 1937 | Plavinas Stage
6. Glyptopomus bystrowi (Gross, 1941) | Famennian
7. Gyroptychius elgae Vorobyeva, 1977 | Burtnieki Stage
8. Gyroptychius grossi Vorobyeva, 1981 | Narva Stage
9. Gyroptychius latvicus Vorobyeva, 1981 | Pärnu Stage
10. Gyroptychius milleri Jarvik, 1948 | Aruküla Stage
11. Gyroptychius pauli Vorobyeva, 1977 | Aruküla Stage
13. Latvius grewingki (Gross, 1933) | Snetnaya Gora Substage
14. Megadonichthys kurikae Vorobyeva, 2004 | Gauja Stage
15. Megapomus heckeri Vorobyeva, 1977 | Famennian
16. Megapomus punctatus Vorobyeva, 1977 | Upper Devonian
17. Osteolepis baltica Vorobyeva, 2004 | Aruküla Stage
18. Osteolepis striata Gross, 1942 | Burtnieki Stage
19. Platycephalichthys bischoffi Vorobyeva, 1959 | Frasnian
20. Platycephalichthys rohoni Vorobyeva, 1959 | Upper Devonian
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Subphylum | Vertebrata |
Organism group | Gnathostomata |
Superclass | Osteichthyes |
Class | Sarcopterygii |
Subclass | Rhipidistia |
Tetrapodomorpha | |
Order | Osteolepiformes |
Family | Canowindridae |
Osteolepididae | |
Tristichopteridae | |
Order | Panderichthyformes |
Porolepiformes |