
Monoclimacis geinitzi (Bouček, 1932)

2003     Monoclimacis geinitzi (Bouček) — Loydell et al. , pp. 213, fig. 8m
2015     Monoclimacis geinitzi (Bouček) — Männik et al. , pp. 231
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Männik, P., Loydell, D. K., Nestor, V., Nõlvak, J. 2015. Integrated Upper Ordovician–lower Silurian biostratigraphy of the Grötlingbo-1 core section, Sweden. GFF 137, 3, 226-244. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2015.1042032
Loydell, D. K., Männik, P., Nestor, V. 2003. Integrated biostratigraphy of the lower Silurian of the Aizpute-41 core, Latvia. Geological Magazine 140, 2, 205-229. DOI:10.1017/S0016756802007264
Paškevičius, J. 1979. Biostratigraphy and Graptolites of the Lithuanian Silurian. pp. 1-267. Mokslas.
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