Acanthograptidae Bulman, 1938
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Kaljo, D. 1974. On graptolite zones of Tremadoc and Arenig of Pribaltic and Moscow syneclises. Graptolites of the USSR, pp. 31-36. Nauka.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1970. Stratigraphy of the Viruan Series (Middle Ordovician) in Northern Estonia, I. pp. 1-346. Valgus.
Bulman, O. M. B., Rickards, R. B. 1966. A Revision of Wiman's Dendroid and Tuboid Graptolites. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 43, 6-8, 1-72. University of Uppsala.
Skevington, D. 1963. Graptolites from the Ontikan Limestones (Ordovician) of Öland, Sweden. I: Dendroidea, Tuboidea, Camaroidea, and Stolonoidea. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 42, 1-62.
Obut, A., Rytzk, G. 1958. Ordovician and Silurian Dendroidea of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused III, 125-143.
Obut, A. M. 1953. Dendroidei severo-zapada Russkoj platformy. Trudy Vsesoûznogo Naučno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedočnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) 26-57. Gostoptehizdat.
List of species
1. Acanthograptus divergens Skevington, 1963 | Middle Ordovician
2. Acanthograptus impar Bulman et Rickards, 1966 | Upper Ordovician
3. Acanthograptus musciformis (Wiman, 1901) | Upper Ordovician
4. Acanthograptus roomusoksi Obut et Rytzk, 1958 | Upper Ordovician
6. Dictyonema alichovae Obut, 1953 | Ordovician
7. Dictyonema aluvereum Obut et Rytzk, 1958 | Jõhvi Substage
9. Dictyonema cavernosum Wiman, 1896 | Ordovician
11. Dictyonema cotyledon Bulman, 1934 | Middle Ordovician
12. Dictyonema crassibasale Gurley, 1909 | Jaani Stage
14. Dictyonema desmoides Gurley, 1909 | Silurian
15. Dictyonema donaticum Obut, 1953 | Jõhvi Substage
17. Dictyonema estlandicum Bulman, 1934 | Ordovician
19. Dictyonema floriforme Obut, 1953 | Jõhvi Substage
20. Dictyonema graptolithinum Kjerulf, 1865 | Tremadocian
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Hemichordata |
Class | Pterobranchia |
Subclass | Graptolithina |
Order | Dendroidea |
Family | Acanthograptidae |
Genus | Acanthograpsus |
Coremagraptus | |
Dictyonema | |
Koremagraptus | |
Pseudodictyonema | |
Xylonograptus | |
Family | Dendrograptidae |
Polygonograptidae | |
Ptilograptidae |