Dictyonema graptolithinum Kjerulf, 1865
Synonymy list
1865 Dictyonema graptolithinum — Kjerulf , pp. 1-2, fig. 4-5
1882 Dictyograptus flabelliformis Eichw. forma typica — Brögger , pp. 31, fig. 12:17-19
1895 Dictyonema flabelliforme — Wiman , pp. 55, fig. 10:13-14
1904 Dictyonema flabelliforme — Ruedemann , pp. 599-606
1909 Dictyograptus flabelliformis — Westergard , pp. 97, fig. 3:1-6
1922 Dictyograptus flabelliformis — Poulsen , pp. 6, fig. 2
1927 Dictyonema flabelliforme (Eichwald) forma typica — Bulman , pp. 24, fig. 2:3-4
1941 Dictyonema flabelliforme (Eichwald) forma typica — Störmer , pp. 166, fig. 5
1947 Dictyonema flabelliforme — Ruedemann , pp. 159, fig. 2:22-23
1953 Dictyonema graptolithinum Kjerulf — Obut , pp. 40-42, fig. 6:1-4a; 3:2-2a
Selection of related publications
Kaljo, D. 1974. On graptolite zones of Tremadoc and Arenig of Pribaltic and Moscow syneclises. Graptolites of the USSR, pp. 31-36. Nauka.
Obut, A. M. 1953. Dendroidei severo-zapada Russkoj platformy. Trudy Vsesoûznogo Naučno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedočnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) 26-57. Gostoptehizdat.
References based on distribution
- Kaljo, 1974 Palivere 354 borehole Tremadocian
- Obut, 1953 Paldiski Lower Ordovician
- Obut, 1953 Oslo depression Lower Ordovician
- Obut, 1953 Sweden Lower Ordovician