
Halopoa imbricata Torell, 1870

Taxon description

Uchman, 1998

Emended diagnosis: Unbranched Halopoa with horizontal, relatively long and continuous furrows and wrinkles

Jensen, 1997

Description. - Straight to gently winding burrows, mainly horizontal, but inclined and vertical segments occur. Preserved in epirelief, endorelief and hyporelief. Cross-section irregularly cylindrical to vertically extended in form of a crude vertical spreite. Mostly found on tops of rippled beds, where they are preserved as positive epireliefs, formed as endogenic (often intergenic) burrows or full reliefs

Knaust, 2004

Burrows are straight or curved and up to 17 cm long and 2–8mm wide. Width can vary owing to the occurrence of longitudinal or oblique ridges, wrinkles and striations. Linings are common. The burrows may cross-cut but true branching is not developed. Horizontal burrows are most prominent and crowded, though a few vertical shafts may be present at some terminations. Longitudinal sections exhibit typical long striae of claystone incorporated into the fine-grained sandstone.

Synonymy list
1870     Halopoa imbricata n.sp. — Torell , pp. 7-8
1965     Halopoa imbricata Torell 1 870 — Martinson , pp. 219-221, fig. 29-32
1997     Palaeophycus imbricatus (Torell, 1870) — Jensen , pp. 69, fig. 8D,45,46,47B,D;48B
1998     Haopoa imbricata Torell, 1870 — Uchman , pp. 115, fig. 8-9
1999     Haopoa imbricata Torell, 1870 — Uchman , pp. 88, fig. 4:5
2001     Halopoa imbricata Torell 1 870 — Uchman , pp. 10, fig. 4:2
2004     Halopoa imbricata Torell, 1870 — Knaust , pp. 13, fig. 6.2
2004     Halopoa imbricata Torell 1 870 — Leszczynski , pp. 44, fig. 19
Selection of related publications
Jensen, S. 1997. Trace fossils from the Lower Cambrian Mickwitzia sandstone, south-central Sweden. Fossils and Strata 42, 1-110.
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils
References based on distribution