
Dictyoporus nodosus Mägdefrau, 1937

Taxon description

Donovan & Simpson, 2021

Diagnosis:(Slightly modified after Wisshak2017,p. 43).‘Radiating, reticulate system of etched channelsor prostrate tubular borings at or immediately beneaththe surface of calcareous or bone substrates. Highdegree of anastomosis, leaving only a few peripheralbranches blind ending.’(See also H€antzschel1975,p.W127; Taylor and Wilson2003, table 2).

Wisshak, 2017

Emended diagnosis. Overall shape as well as gallery diameter and mesh-size varies but generally decreases towards the periphery of the trace. Branching points flattened parallel to the substrate surface and with rounded outline. Peripheral branches taper to pointed ends and have a jagged appearance. Galleries either developed as open channels and/or prostrate tunnels with few rhizoidal connections to the substrate surface.

Synonymy list
1937     Dictyoporus nodosus n. sp. — Mägdefrau , pp. 55, fig. pl. 4 fig. 10
1957     Clionia fenestralis — Elias
1962     Dictyoporus nodosus Mägdefrau, 1937 — Häntzschel , pp. 230
1965     Dictyoporus nodosus Mägdefrau, 1937 — Pugaczewska , pp. 75, fig. pl. 1:1
1970     Dictyoporus nodosus Mägdefrau, 1937 — Pugaczewska , pp. 427
1977     Cicatricula retiformis — Palmer & Palmer
2017     Dictyoporus nodosus Mägdefrau, 1937 — Wisshak , pp. 44, fig. 15
2021     Dictyoporus nodosus Mägdefrau, 1937 — Donovan & Simpson , pp. 57, fig. Fig. 1
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioerosional trace fossils