Micrhystridium Deflandre, 1937 emend. Sarjeant et Stancliffe, 1994
Selection of related publications
Uutela, A., Tynni, R. 1991. Ordovician acritarchs from the Rapla borehole, Estonia. Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 353, 1-135.
Smelror, M. 1991. Palynomorphs from the Cyrtograptus centrifugus graptolite zone (Early Wenlock, Silurian), Bornholm. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 39, 2, 83-89. DOI:10.37570/bgsd-1991-39-02
Volkova, N. A., Kiryanov, V. V., Piskun, L. V., Paškevičiene, L. T., Jankauskas, T. V. 1979. Microflora. Upper Precambrian and Cambrian paleontology of East-European platform, pp. 4-38. Nauka.
Jankauskas, T., Posti, E. 1976. New Cambrian acritarchs from the East Baltic Area. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология 25, 2, 145-151. DOI:10.3176/chem.geol.1976.2.07
Kjellström, G. 1971. Ordovician microplankton (Baltisphaerids) from the Grötlingbo borehole no. 1 in Gotland, Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 655, 1-75.
Volkova, N. A. 1969. Achritarchs of the North-west of the Russian Platform. Trudy GIN AN SSSR 206, 224-236. Nauka.
Eisenack, A. 1959. Neotypen baltischer Silur-Hystrichospharen und neue Arten. Palaeontographica 112, 93–211.
List of species
1. Micrhystridium acerbum Martin, 1968 | Aseri Stage
2. Micrhystridium curvatum Uutela et Tynni, 1991 | Pirgu Stage
8. Micrhystridium granulatum Uutela et Tynni, 1991 | Aseri Stage
10. Micrhystridium heterospinosum Jankauskas, 1976 | Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)
13. Micrhystridium lubomlense Kirjanov, 1974 | Rausvė Stage
16. Micrhystridium notatum Volkova, 1969 | Middle Cambrian (old nomenclature)
17. Micrhystridium oligum Jankauskas, 1976 | Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)
19. Micrhystridium parvum Volkova, 1969b | Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)