
Psammichnites gigas (Torell, 1868)

Taxon description

Hofmann & Patel, 1989

Description. Large, long, generally broadly curved, bilobate endichnial crawling trails with complex internal and external morphology, presenting different morphologic aspects depending on level of view; casting medium same as matrix.

Synonymy list
1868     Arenicolites gigas — Torell
1888     Psammichnites gigas — Matthew , pp. 2
1890     Psammichnites gigas — Matthew , pp. 138, fig. 157-158
1977     ? Scolicia sp. — Crimes et al. , pp. 124, fig. 7d,e
1987     Psammichnites gigas (Torell, 1868) — Hofmann & Patel , pp. 145, fig. 3a-c, 4a-e, 5
1999     Psammichnites gigas (Torell, 1868) — Alvaro & Vizcaino , pp. 823
2007     Psammichnites gigas (Torell, 1868) — Jago & Gatehouse , pp. 535, fig. 6a-c, 7a-c, 8a-d