
Dictyodora scotica (McCoy, 1851)

Taxon description

Pazos et al., 2015a

Description: Regular meanders that constitute the horizontal expressions of a vertical wall are preserved as epichnial forms. They present darker and more fine-grained in fill than the host rock and diffuse menisci. Regular, subparallel and slightly divergent limbs up to 40 mm in amplitude are observed. The wavelength of meanders is approximately 15–18 mm. The width of the wall is variable, depending on the exposed level (e.g., approximately 2 mm wide in Fig. 3 a). In the specimen CPBA 21682 the basal section is observed, and the wall is also present in a different level (labelled 1) where it is 0.25 mm wide (Fig.3f). The collected specimen confirms that the morphology does not change vertically. D.scotica presents the largest meander size of all Dictyodora ichnospecies documented inthis paper.

Synonymy list
1851     Crossopodia scotica — McCoy , pp. 395
1980     Dictyodora scotica (McCoy, 1851) — Benton & Trewin , pp. 503, fig. Text figs. 1-3
1982     Dictyodora scotica (McCoy, 1851) — Benton , pp. 71, fig. 2a-d
2015     Dictyodora scotica (McCoy, 1851) — Pazos et al. , pp. 33, fig. Figs. 3 e – f