
Ilmenichnus atherus Schlirf, 2011

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Rhizocorallium commune

Taxon ID: 18547
Fossil group: Ichnofossils
Belongs to: Ilmenichnus
Other version of taxon: Rhizocorallium commune
Stratigraphic distribution: Triassic (header.f_taxon_age_within 251.9 – 201.4 header.f_taxon_age_within_unit)
Taxon description

Schlirf, 2011

Diagnosis: Ilmenichnus with upper surface covered by irregular pustules.

Description: More-or-less straight, dominantly horizontal, subordinately slightly oblique, unlined, uni-lobed U-shaped spreite burrows, with protrusive U-spreite lamina and a subordinate retrusive limb-spreite lamina with a ratio of open U-limb to spreite < 0.5. Surface with longitudinal and/or transverse, fine ridges and grooves. Upper surface with irregularly shaped pustules. Burrows generally filled with ovoid pellets. One specimen (SMNS L204 b) has a true side branch emerging from the limb, with enlargements at the point of branching (Fig. 8). Diameter of U-limb frequently enlarged towards distal burrow part.

Synonymy list
2011     Ilmenichnus atherus n. isp. — Schlirf , pp. 41, fig. Figs. 2, 4, 6-10
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils