
Calymenina Swinnerton, 1915

Selection of related publications
Hoel, O. A. 2009. The post-cephalic morphology of the middle Ordovician trilobite Prionocheilus narinosus from the central Oslo Region, Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 89, 3, 247-249.
Barwick, R. E., Campbell, K. S. W., Mark-Kurik, E. 1997. Tarachomylax: A new early Devonian dipnoan from Severnaya Zemlya, and its place in the evolution of the Dipnoi. Geobios 30, 1, 45-73. DOI:10.1016/S0016-6995(97)80257-4
Ramsköld, L., Adrain, J. M., Edgecombe, G. D., Siveter, D. J. 1994. Silurian calymenid trilobite Alcymene n. gen., with new species from the Ludlow of Gotland, Sweden. Journal of Paleontology 68, 3, 556-569. DOI:10.1017/S0022336000025920
Männil, Reet 1983. Upper Silurian Calymenidae (Trilobita) of the East Baltic. Lower Paleozoic paleontology of Baltics and Podolia, pp. 72-100. Eesti NSV TA Geoloogia Instituut.
Ramsköld, L. 1983. Silurian cheirurid trilobites from Gotland. Palaeontology 27, 2, 175-210.
Männil, Reet 1982. Trilobite communities (Wenlock, East Baltic). Communities and biozones in the Baltic Silurian Communities and biozones in the Baltic Silurian, pp. 51-62. Valgus.
Männil, Reet 1977. East Baltic Lower Silurian Calymenidae (Trilobita). Facies and fauna of the Baltic Silurian, pp. 240-258. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S. S. R. Institute of Geology.
Öpik, A. 1937. Trilobiten aus Estland. Tartu Ülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi Toimetused 52, 1-163.
Schmidt, Fr. 1894. Revision der ostbaltischen silurischen Trilobiten. Abt. IV. Calymmeniden, Proetiden, Bronteiden, Harpediden, Trinucleiden, Remopleuriden und Agnostiden. Mémoires de l´Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg 42, 5, 1-93.