Stichocystis Jaekel, 1899
Selection of related publications
Bockelie, J. F. 1981. A re-evaluation of the Ordovician cystoid Stichocystis Jaekel and the taxonomic implications. GFF 103, 1, 51-59. DOI:10.1080/11035898109455204
Regnéll, G. 1945. Non-Crinoid Pelmatozoa from the Paleozoic of Sweden. A taxonomic study. Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 108, 1-255. Carl Bloms Boktryckeri.
Jaekel, O. 1899. Stammesgesihichte der Pelmatozoen. Erster Band. Thecoidea und Cystoidea. pp. 1-441. Verlag von Julius Springer.
List of species
1. Stichocystis alutacea (Angelin, 1878) | Middle Ordovician
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Echinodermata |
Subphylum | Blastozoa |
Class | Rhombifera |
Superfamily | Polycosmitida |
Family | Stichocystidae |
Genus | Stichocystis |
Species | alutacea |
geometrica |