
Medianella longa (Stumbur, 1956)

Synonymy list
1956     Bythocypris longa sp. n. — Stumbur , pp. 190, fig. 2:6-9
1983     Bythocypris longa Stumbur — Meidla , pp. 54
1984     Medianella longa (Stumbur) — Sarv et Meidla , pp. 11, 13-15
1996     Medianella longa (Stumbur, 1956) — Meidla , pp. 125, fig. 26:7-8
2011     Medianella longa (Stumbur, 1956) — Schallreuter et Hinz-Schallreuter , pp. 211
Selection of related publications
Meidla, T. 1996. Late Ordovician Ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 2. pp. 1-222. Tartu University Press.
Stumbur, K. A. 1956. On the fauna of ostracodes of the Porkuni Stage of Estonia. Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Toimetised 42, 186-194.
References based on distribution