
Dalmanitidae Vogdes, 1890

Selection of related publications
Ramsköld, L. 1985. Silurian phacopid and dalmanitid trilobites from Gotland. Stockholm Contributions in Geology 40, 1-62.
Männil, Reet 1982. Trilobite communities (Wenlock, East Baltic). Communities and biozones in the Baltic Silurian Communities and biozones in the Baltic Silurian, pp. 51-62. Valgus.
Nieszkowski, J. 1857. Versuch einer Monographie der in den silurischen Schichten der Ostseeprovinzen vorkommenden Trilobiten. Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands 1, 3, 517-626.