Athyridoidea Davidson, 1881
Selection of related publications
Modzalevskaya, T. L. 1985. Brahiopody silura i rannego devona Evropejskoj časti SSSR. Otrâd Athyridida. pp. 1-128. Nauka.
Rubel, M., Musteikis, P., Popov, L. 1984. Sistematicheskii spisok brahiopod silura Pribaltiki [Систематический список брахиопод силура Прибалтики]. pp. 1-36. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia.
Modzalevskaya, T. I. 1979. Systematics of Paleozoic athyridids. Paleontologicheski Zhurnal 1979, 2, 48-63.
Bassett, M. G., Cocks, L. R. M. 1974. A review of Silurian brachiopods from Gotland. Fossils and Strata 3, 1-56.
Rubel, M., Modzalevskaya, T. 1967. New Silurian brachiopods of the family Athyrididae. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология 16, 3, 238-249. DOI:10.3176/chem.geol.1967.3.08
List of species
1. Collarothyris canaliculata (Wenjukow, 1899) | Přidoli
2. Collarothyris collaris (Rubel, 1970) | Ohesaare Stage
3. Didymothyris biohermica Rubel, 1967 | Jaagarahu Stage
5. Didymothyris katriensis Rubel, 1967 | Paadla Stage
7. Glassina usitata Modzalevskaya, 1979 | Wenlock
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Brachiopoda |
Subphylum | Rhynchonelliformea |
Class | Rhynchonellata |
Order | Athyridida |
Suborder | Athyrididina |
Superfamily | Athyridoidea |
Family | Athyrididae |
Hyattidinidae | |
Superfamily | Meristelloidea |
Nucleospiroidea |