Pseudulrichia norvegica Henningsmoen, 1954
Synonymy list
1954 Pseudulrichia norvegica — Henningsmoen , pp. 100, fig. 6:6-7
1970 Pseudulrichia norvegica Henningsmoen, 1954 — Gailite , pp. 25, fig. I 7
197531 non Pseudulrichia norvegica Henningsmoen, 1954 — Sidaravičiene
Selection of related publications
Gailite, L. K. 1970. Ostracodes from the Kuldiga member of the Upper Ordovician of Latvia. Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Baltic and Byelorussia. Number II, pp. 19-31. Mintis.
References based on distribution
- Gailite, 1970 Blidene 5 borehole 815.5 - 815.5 Upper Ordovician