
Hyolithes innotatus Holm, 1893

Synonymy list
1893     Hyolithus innotatus — Holm , pp. 104, fig. 2:12-16
1946     Hyolithes innotatus Holm — Sinclair , pp. 77
1960     Hyolithes innotatus Holm — Syssoiev , pp. 55
1960     Hyolithes innotatus Holm — Jaanusson , pp. 281
1962     Hyolithes innotatus Holm — Syssoiev , pp. 20
1963     Hyolithes innotatus Holm — Jaanusson , pp. 35
1967     Hyolithus innotatus Holm — Heidrich , pp. 30, 33, fig. 21
2002     Hyolithes innotatus Holm, 1893 — Malinky , pp. 535, fig. 3:21, 24-26; text fig. 3I
Selection of related publications
Malinky, J. M. 2002. A revision of Early to Mid Ordovician Hyoliths from Sweden. Palaeontology 45, 3, 511-555. DOI:10.1111/1475-4983.00248
References based on distribution