Iramena Boekschoten, 1970
Boekschoten, 1970
Diagmosis. Borings of probably ctenostome bryozoa, consisting of long (stolon) tunnels in an irregular network, with round to reniform (zooid cavity) apertures situated in alternating positions laterally to and close by the tunnels.
Iramena differs from Spathiapora in the round shape of the apertures (reniform or circular in the new genus, siltlike in Spathiapora) and in the closeness of the apertures to the main (stolon) tunnel. It differs from Terebripora which consist of diamond-shaped apertures situated directly above the tunnel.
Wisshak et al., 2019a
Microboring; substrate calcareous; tracemaker invertebrate
Buatois et al., 2017
Category of architectural design: 2.70. Camerate network borings.
Knaust, 2012a
Branched, network.
Charó et al., 2017
Diagnosis: It is a boring system consisting in long primary tunnels little bifurcated, in irregular pattern with primary appertures, rounded to kidney-shaped, opening into a main cavity. Less conspicuos secondary tunnels open at approximately 90° (Mayoral, 1988). They are produced by ctenostomate bryozoans.