Pinaceocladichnus Mayoral, 1988
Gaaloul et al., 2023
Diagnosis.—Boring pattern constituted by a regular network of fine tunnels, slightly curved and laterally opposite (cited from Botquelen and Mayoral 2005).
Remarks.—This boring is a network of stolon tunnels with apertures produced by ctenostome bryozoans similar to those produced by the genus Immergentia Silén, 1946, or Terebripora d’Orbigny, 1847 (Mayoral 1988). This trace fossil occurs in marine environments from the littoral to neritic zones on calcareous substrates. Pinaceocladichnus occurs since the Ordovician (Mayoral 1991; Toom et al. 2019).
Mayoral, 1988
Diagnosis. Modelo de perforation formade por un sistema muy regular de tunels finos, suavemente arqueadod, que se bifurcan de forma verticelada en sentidos opuestos. Esta diposicion del sistema recuerda a las hojas de los pinos o abetos, aspecto del cual toma el nombre.[Perforation model formed by a very regular system of fine, gently arched tunnels, which branch in a whorled manner in opposite directions. This arrangement of the system is reminiscent of the leaves of pine or fir trees, the aspect from which it takes its name.]
Wisshak et al., 2019a
Microboring; substrate calcareous; tracemaker invertebrate
Buatois et al., 2017
Category of architectural design: 2.70. Camerate network borings.
Knaust, 2012a
Branched, network.
Botquelen & Mayoral, 2005
Ichnogeneric diagnosis. Boring pattern constituted by a regular network of fine tunnels, slightly curved and laterally opposite.