
Gomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947)

Synonymy list
1947     Gomphodus hoppei n. typ. — Gross , fig. Taf.5:6-9
1971     Gomphonchus nom. nov. hoppei (Gross) — Gross , pp. 56-58, fig. Taf. 1:28-30, Taf. 2: 1-3, Taf.3:36, Taf.9:4-9
1986     Gomphonchus hoppei — Märss , fig. 29:4,7,10
1986     Gomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947) — Märss , pp. 55
1998     Gomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947) — Valiukevičius , pp. 40, fig. 2:14-18
1999     Gomphonchoporus gen. nov. hoppei (Gross, 1947) — Vergoossen , pp. 242, fig. IV 40-49; V 50-57
2002     Gomphonchus hoppei — Valiukevičius , pp. 34
2003     Gomphonchoporus hoppei (Gross, 1947) — Burrow , pp. 282
2005     Gomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947) — Valiukevičius , fig. 6:E,F
Selection of related publications
Valiukevičius, J. 1998. Acanthodians and zonal stratigraphy of Lower and Middle Devonian in East Baltic and Byelorussia. Palaeontographica A-248, 1-53.
Märss, T. 1997. Vertebrates of the Pridoli and Silurian-Devonian boundary beds in Europe. Modern Geology 21, 1, 17-41.
Märss, T. 1986. Silurian Vertebrates of Estonia and West Latvia. Fossilia Baltica 1. Fossilia Baltica 1, 1-104. Valgus.
References based on distribution