
Beyrichioidea Matthew, 1886

Selection of related publications
Kask, R. 2009. Kalana karjääri ostrakoodid [Bakalaureusetöö. Juhendaja: O. Tinn]. pp. 1-26. Tartu Ülikool.
Schallreuter, R. 2000. Ostracoden aus silurischen Geschieben V. Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen 55, 7-101.
Rubel, M., Sarv, L. 1996. Reconstruction and use of the succession of East Baltic Silurian ostracodes. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 45, 4, 177-188. DOI:10.3176/geol.1996.4.01
Schallreuter, R. 1995. Ostrakoden aus silurischen Geschieben II. Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen 34, 1-145.
Hansch, W., Siveter, D. J. 1994. ‘Nodibeyrichia jurassica’ and associated beyrichiacean ostracode species and their significance for the correlation of late Silurian strata in the Baltic and Britain. Journal of Micropalaeontology 13, 2, 81-91. DOI:10.1144/jm.13.2.81
Hansch, W. 1991. Die silurischen Geschiebe-Ostrakoden von Krause, Steusloff und Kummerow. Archiv für Geschiebekunde 1, 2, 79-104.
Schallreuter, R. 1990. Ostrakoden aus silurischen Horhsteinen von Sylt. Fossilien von Sylt, 3, pp. 243-250. Verlag und Verlagsbuchhandlung Inge-Maria von Hacht.
Meidla, T., Sarv, L. 1990. Ostracodes. Field Meeting Estonia 1990. An Excursion Guidebook, pp. 68-71. Estonian Academy of Sciences.
Gailite, L. K. 1986. Facial'nyj kontrol' raspredeleniâ ludlovskih ostrakod Latvii. Biofacies and fauna of the Silurian and Devonian basins of the Baltic, pp. 13-21. Zinatne.
Sethi, D. K. 1979. Palaeocope and eridostracan ostracodes. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 73, 3, 142-166.
Pranskevichius, A. 1975. Ludlovian palaeocope ostracodes of the Baltic region and their correlative value. GFF 97, 1, 41-46. DOI:10.1080/11035897509455471
Neckaja, A. I. 1973. Ostrakody ordovika i silura SSSR. pp. 1-87. Nedra.
Pranskevičius, A. 1972. South Baltic Silurian Ostracoda. pp. 1-280. Mintis.
Kaljo, D. (ed) 1970. The Silurian of Estonia. pp. 1-343. Valgus.
Sarv, L. I. 1968. Ostracode families Craspedobolbinidae, Beyrichiidae and Primitiopsidae in the Silurian of Estonia. pp. 1-103. Valgus.
Gailite, L. K., Rybnikova, M. V., Ulst, R. Ž. 1967. Stratigrafiâ, fauna i usloviâ obrazovaniâ silurijskih porod Srednej Pribaltiki. pp. 1-304. Zinatne.
Neckaja, A. I. 1966. Ostrakody ordovika i silura SSSR (semejstva Schmidtellidae, Rectellidae, Longisculidae i nekotorye novye vidy drugih semejstv). Trudy VNIGRI 251, 1-103. Nedra.
Sarv, L. I. 1966. Polovoj dimorfizm u drevnepaleozojskih ostrakod. The fossil ostracods. Proceedings of the First All-Union Colloquium on fossil ostracods, Lvov, 1963, pp. 14-23. Naukova Dumka.
Martinsson, A. 1964. Palaeocope Ostracodes from the Well Leba I in Pomerania. GFF 86, 2, 125-161. DOI:10.1080/11035896409448894
Sarv, L. I. 1962. Ostracods from the Porkuni stage and Llandovery of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IX, 95-141.
Martinsson, A. 1962. Ostracodes of the Family Beyrichiidae from the Silurian of Gotland. The Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of Uppsala 41, 1-369.