
Brachiopoda Duméril, 1806

Brachiopods (lamp shells)

Selection of related publications
Hints, L. 2024. Taxonomy of the Sandbian (Upper Ordovician) brachiopod Dalmanella kegelensis Alichova, 1953 and the new genus Alichovella. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 73, 1, 45-56. DOI:10.3176/earth.2024.06
Vinn, O., Isakar, M., Almansour, M. I., Farraj, S. A., Hedeny, M. E. 2024. Syn vivo encrustation of Porambonites Pander, 1830 (Brachiopoda) by craniid brachiopods in the Late Ordovician of Estonia. Acta Geologica Polonica 74, 2, e19. DOI:10.24425/agp.2024.150012
Vinn, O., Holmer, L. E., Wilson, M. A. 2024. Evolution of brachiopod symbiosis in the early Paleozoic. Historical Biology 36, 7, 1274-1294. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2023.2212368
Vinn, O., Ernst, A., Isakar, M., El-Hedeny, I Almansour, M., Al Farraj, S. 2024. Cryptic fauna in abandoned bivalve shells and taphonomy of bivalve steinkerns in the Late Ordovician of Baltica. Historical Biology 1-6. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2024.2383702
Hints, L., Rong, J. 2024. Discovery of trimerellide brachiopod Gasconsia from the Ordovician of Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 73, 2, 124-133. DOI:10.3176/earth.2024.12
Komarov, V. N., Volkova, E. A., Kachalina, M. D. 2023. O nahodkah kraniid (Brahiopoda) na rakovinah venlokskih rinhonellid na o. Saaremaa (Èstoniâ) [О находках краниид (Брахиопода) на раковинах венлокских ринхонеллид на о. Сааремаа (Эстония)]. Bio-i geosobytiâ v istorii Zemli. Ètapnost' èvolûcii i stratigrafičeskaâ korrelâciâ. LXIX sessiâ paleontologičeskogo obŝestva, pp. 62-63. Kartafabrika VSEGEI.
Vinn, O., Holmer, L. E., Wilson, M. A., Isakar, M., Toom, U. 2023. A Rowellella (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) nestler in a Trypanites boring from the Middle Ordovician of Estonia: An early colonizer of hard substrate borings. Palaios 38, 5, 240-245. DOI:10.2110/palo.2023.003
Baarli, B. G. 2022. The smooth, spire-bearing brachiopods after the terminal Ordovician extinction through lower Llandovery in the central Oslo region, Norway. Journal of Paleontology 96, 1, 81-111. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2021.72
Vinn, O., Wilson, M., Holmer, L. E., Ernst, A., Tinn, O., Toom, U. 2022. Diverse endobiotic symbiont fauna from the late Katian (Late Ordovician) of Estonia. Palaeontologia Electronica 25, 3, 1-13. DOI:10.26879/1232
Baarli, B. G. 2021. Survival and recovery atrypid fauna following the terminal Ordovician extinction, the Atrypinae: central Oslo Region, Norway. Historical Biology 33, 3, 403-440. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2019.1620228
Baarli, B. G. 2021. Plectatrypinae and other ribbed atrypides succeeding the end Ordovician extinction event, Central Oslo Region, Norway. Journal of Paleontology 95, 1, 75-105. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2020.69
Vinn, O., Holmer, L. E., Wilson, M. A., Isakar, M., Toom, U. 2021. Possible drill holes and pseudoborings in obolid shells from the Cambrian/Ordovician boundary beds of Estonia and the uppermost Cambrian of NW Russia. Historical Biology 33, 12, 3579–3584. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2021.1878355
Toom, U., Vinn, O., Isakar, M., Madison, A., Hints, O. 2020. Small faecal pellets in Ordovician shelly fossils from Estonia, Baltoscandia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 69, 1, 1-19. DOI:10.3176/earth.2020.01
Balthasar, U., Jin, J., Hints, L., Cusack, M. 2020. Brachiopod shell thickness links environment and evolution. Palaeontology 63, 1, 171-183. DOI:10.1111/pala.12450
Holmer, L. E., Yue, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. 2019. The problematic lingulate brachiopod Aulonotreta from the Ordovician (Dapingian–Darriwilian) of Baltoscandia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 68, 4, 206-224. DOI:10.3176/earth.2019.15
Hints, L. 2019. The Ordovician brachiopod genus Cyrtonotella: taxonomy and distribution in the Baltic Basin. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 68, 3, 147-159. DOI:10.3176/earth.2019.10
Madison, A. A. 2019. Shell Microstructure of Strophomenide Bilobia Cooper (Brachiopoda) from the Late Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Paleontological Journal 53, 1, 30-43. DOI:10.1134/S0031030119010052
Holmer, L. E., Zhang, Z., Topper, T. P., Popov, L., Claybourn, T. M. 2018. The attachment strategies of Cambrian kutorginate brachiopods: the curious case of two pedicle openings and their phylogenetic significance. Journal of Paleontology 92, 1, 33-39. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2017.76
Harper, D. A. T., Popov, L. E., Holmer, L. E. 2017. Brachiopods: origin and early history. Palaeontology 60, 5, 609-631. DOI:10.1111/pala.12307
Holmer, L. E., Popov, L. E., Ghobadi Pour, M., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. 2017. Unusual pitted Ordovician brachiopods from the East Baltic: the significance of coarsely pitted ornamentations in linguliforms. Papers in Palaeontology 3, 3, 387-399. Wiley. DOI:10.1002/spp2.1080
Jin, J., Holmer, L. E. 2017. Pentameroid brachiopod Karlsorus new genus from the upper Wenlock (Silurian) Slite Beds, Gotland, Sweden. Journal of Paleontology 91, 5, 911-918. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2017.46
Madison, A. 2017. To the revision of the Upper Ordovician Bilobia Cooper (Strophomenida, Brachiopoda). Paleontological Journal 51, 4, 368-373. DOI:10.1134/S0031030117040062
Hints, L., Paškevičius, J., Martma, T., Männik, P., Nõlvak, J. 2016. Upper Sandbian–lower Katian bio- and chemostratigraphy in the Pajevonys-13 core section, Lithuania. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 65, 2, 85-97. DOI:10.3176/earth.2016.08
Ushatinskaya, G. T., Korovnikov, I. V. 2016. Revision of the Superfamily Acrotheloidea (Brachiopoda, Class Linguliformea, Order Lingulida) from the Lower and Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform. Paleontological Journal 50, 5, 450-462. DOI:10.1134/S0031030116050130
Huang, B., Baarli, B .G., Zhan, R. B., Rong, J. Y. 2016. A new early Silurian brachiopod genus, Thulatrypa, from Norway and South China, and its palaeobiogeographical significance. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 40, 1, 83-97. DOI:10.1080/03115518.2016.1092066
Jarochowska, E., Hierl, F., Vinn, O., Munnecke, A. 2016. Reducing taxonomic noise in problematic fossils: revision of the incertae sedis genus Allonema based on shape analysis. Bulletin of Geosciences 91, 1, 97-110. DOI:10.3140/bull.geosci.1588
Paškevičius, J., Hints, L. 2016. New Early Katian species of Leptestiidae and Hesperorthidae (Brachiopoda) from Lithuania. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 65, 2, 75-84. DOI:10.3176/earth.2016.05
Lang, L., Kirsimäe, K., Vahur, S. 2016. Diagenetic fate of bioapatite in linguliform brachiopods: multiple apatite phases in shells of Cambrian lingulate brachiopod Ungula ingrica (Eichwald). Lethaia 49, 1, 13-27. Wiley. DOI:10.1111/let.12127
Butler, A. D., Streng, M., Holmer, L. E., Babcock, L. E. 2015. Exceptionally preserved Mickwitzia from the Indian Springs Lagerstätte (Cambrian Stage 3), Nevada. Journal of Paleontology 89, 6, 933-955. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2016.8
Hints, L., Harper, D. A. T. 2015. The Hirnantian (Late Ordovician) brachiopod fauna of the East Baltic: Taxonomy of the key species. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60, 2, 395-420. DOI:10.4202/app.2013.0010
Lang, L. 2015. Baculate shell structure in Early Palaeozoic linguliform brachiopods. Dissertationes Geologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 40, 1-113. University of Tartu Press.
Hints, L. 2014. Revision of the concept of the orthide brachiopod Cyrtonotella in the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 63, 2, 63-70. DOI:10.3176/earth.2014.05
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A., Toom, U. 2014. Earliest rhynchonelliform brachiopod parasite from the Late Ordovician of northern Estonia (Baltica). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 411, 42-45. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.06.028
Madison, A. A. 2013. New Brachiopod Subfamily Anechophragmiinae (Strophomenida) from the Ordovician of the Leningrad Region. Paleontological Journal 47, 1, 23-37. DOI:10.1134/S0031030113010061
Holmer, L. E., Popov, L., Bassett, M. G. 2013. Silurian Craniide Brachiopoda from Gotland. Palaeontology 56, 5, 1029-1044. DOI:10.1111/pala.12033
Lang, L., Puura, I. 2013. Phosphatized organic nanostructures in the Cambrian linguloid brachiopod Ungula inornata (Mickwitz). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 62, 3, 121-130. DOI:10.3176/earth.2013.10
Vinn, O. 2013. Cornulitid tubeforms from the Ordovician of Eastern Baltic. Carnets de Géologie 03, 131-138.
Madison, A. A. 2012. Formation of Cardinal Process in Ordovician Strophomenids. Paleontological Journal 46, 12, 1362-1374. DOI:10.1134/S0031030112120039
Popov, L. E., Basset, M. G., Holmer, L. E. 2012. Earliest ontogeny of Early Palaeozoic Craniiformea: compelling evidence for lecithotrophy. Lethaia 45, 4, 566-573. DOI:10.1111/j.1502-3931.2012.00315.x
Hints, L., Pärnaste, H., Gailite, L.-I. 2012. Hirnantia sagittifera (Brachiopoda) and Mucronaspis mucronata s.l. (Trilobita) in the Upper Ordovician of the East Baltic: taxonomy and distribution. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 61, 2, 65-81. DOI:10.3176/earth.2012.2.01
Hints, L. 2012. New Hirnantian orthide brachiopods from the type section of the Porkuni Stage (Porkuni quarry, northeastern Estonia). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 61, 4, 227–241. DOI:10.3176/earth.2012.4.04
Hints, L. 2012. Unikaalsed käsijalgsed Eestis. Loodusesõber 3, 42-44.
Nestor, V. 2012. A summary and revision of the East Baltic Silurian chitinozoan biozonation. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 61, 4, 242-260. DOI:10.3176/earth.2012.4.05
Rubel, M. 2011. Silurian brachiopods Dictyonellida, Strophomenida, Productida, Orthotetida, Protorthida and Orthida from Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 4, pp. 1-133. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia instituut.
Hoel, O. A. 2011. Strophomenidae, Leptostrophiidae, Strophodontidae and Shaleriidae (Brachiopoda, Strophomenida) from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 85, 2, 201-229. DOI:10.1007/s12542-010-0088-3
Lang, L., Uibopuu, E., Puura, I. 2011. Nanostructures in Palaeozoic linguloid brachiopods. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 41, 359−366.
Madison A. A., Rubel, M. 2010. Family Lycophoriidae (Brachiopoda) from the Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Paleontological Journal 44, 2, 14-23. DOI:10.1134/S0031030110020048
Hints, L. 2010. A new glyptorthid species (Brachiopoda: Orthida) from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 59, 3, 189-194. DOI:10.3176/earth.2010.3.01
Lang, L., Puura, I. 2009. Systematic position, distribution, and shell structure of the Devonian linguloid brachiopod Bicarinatina bicarinata (Kutorga, 1837). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 58, 1, 63-70. DOI:10.3176/earth.2009.1.06
Hints, L., Harper, D. A. T. 2008. The brachiopods Alwynella and Grorudia: homeomorphic plectambonitoids in the Middle and Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 98, 3-4, 271-280. DOI:10.1017/S1755691007080358
Zuykov, M. A., Butts, S. H. 2008. Glyptorthis (Foerste, 1914) and Bassettella new genus (Brachiopoda: Orthida) from the Late Ordovician of the East Baltic. Journal of Paleontology 82, 1, 197-200. DOI:10.1666/06-068.1
Zuykov, M. A., Terentiev, S. S., Harper, D. A. T. 2008. New endemic brachiopod and echinoderm genera from the Upper Ordovician of the St. Petersburg region, nortwestern Russia. GFF 130, 2, 87-93. DOI:10.1080/11035890801302087
Jin, J., Zhan, R. 2008. Late Ordovician Orthide and Billingsellide Brachiopods from Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada: Diversity Change through Mass Extinction. pp. 1-160. NRC Research Press.
Kaljo, D., Hints, L., Männik, P., Nõlvak, J. 2008. The succession of Hirnantian events based on data from Baltica: brachiopods, chitinozoans, conodonts, and carbon isotopes. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 57, 4, 197-218. DOI:10.3176/earth.2008.4.01
Wright, A. D., Rong, J.-Y. 2007. Co-existence of interarea and palintrope: contribution of a new pentameride brachiopod from the Upper Ordovician of Sweden. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 98, 3-4, 263-269. DOI:10.1017/S1755691007080395
Hints, L., Hints, O., Nemliher, R., Nõlvak, J. 2007. Hulterstad brachiopods and associated faunas in the Vormsi Stage (Upper Ordovician, Katian) of the Lelle core, Central Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 3, 131-142.
Zuykov, M. A., Harper, D. A. T. 2007. Platystrophia (Orthida) and new related Ordovician and Early Silurian brachiopod genera. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 1, 11-34.
Egerquist, E., Holmer, L. E. 2006. Early-Middle Ordovician (Billingen- Volkhov stages) Orthide and Protorthide brachiopods from the East Baltic. GFF 128, 4, 339-348. DOI:10.1080/11035890601284339
Thomsen, E., Jin., J., Harper, D. A. T. 2006. Early Silurian brachiopods (Rhynchonellata) from the Sælabonn Formation of the Ringerike district, Norway. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 53, 111-126. DOI:10.37570/bgsd-2006-53-06
Cocks, L. R. M. 2005. Strophomenate Brachiopods from the late Ordovician Boda Limestone of Sweden: their systematics and implications for palaeogeography. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 30, 3, 243-282. DOI:10.1017/S1477201905001616
Popov, L. E., Egerquist, E., Zuykov, M. A. 2005. Ordovician (Arenig–Caradoc) Syntrophiidine brachiopods from the East Baltic region. Palaeontology 48, 4, 739-761. DOI:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2005.00487.x
Zuykov, M. A., Egerquist, E. 2005. A new Platystrophia-like brachiopod genus from the Ordovician Boda Limestone of Dalarna, Sweden. pp. 1-5. DOI:10.1080/11035890501271001
Percival, I. G., Wright, A. J. 2005. A New Early Silurian Species of Trimerella (Brachiopoda: Craniata) from the Orange District, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 111-120.
Hoel, O. A. 2005. Silurian Leptaeninae (Brachiopoda) of Gotland, Sweden. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 79, 2, 263-284. DOI:10.1007/BF02990188
Vinn, O. 2005. The distribution of worm borings in brachiopod shells from the Caradoc Oil Shale of Estonia. Carnets de Géologie 5, article 3, 1-11. DOI:10.4267/2042/2454
Nemliher, J., Kurvits, T., Kallaste, T., Puura, I. 2004. Apatite varieties in the shell of the Cambrian lingulate brachiopod Obolus apollinis Eichwald. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 53, 4, 246-256. DOI:10.3176/geol.2004.4.02
Rõõmusoks, A. 2004. Ordovician strophomenoid brachiopods of northern Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 3, pp. 1-151. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia Instituut.
Musteikis, P., Cocks, L. R. M. 2004. Strophomenide and orthotetide Silurian brachiopods from the Baltic region, with particular reference to Lithuanian boreholes. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49, 3, 455-482.
Copper, P. 2004. Silurian (Late Llandovery-Ludlow) Atrypid Brachiopods from Gotland, Sweden, and Welsh Borderlands, Great Britain. pp. 1-219. DOI:10.1139/9780660190112
Hints, L. 2004. Maximizing diductor adhension: An unusual cardinal process in Late Ordovician brachiopods from Estonia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49, 4, 635-638.
Vinn, O. 2004. The earliest known Trypanites borings in the shells of articulate brachiopods from the Arenig (Ordovician) of Baltica. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 53, 4, 257-266. DOI:10.3176/geol.2004.4.03
Popov, L. E., Holmer, L. E. 2003. Understanding linguloid brachiopods: Obolus and Ungula as examples. Carnets de Géologie 6, 1-13.
Tolmacheva, T., Egerquist, E., Meidla, T., Tinn, O., Holmer, L. 2003. Faunal composition and dynamics in unconsolidated sediments: a case study from the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic. Geological Magazine 140, 1, 31-44. DOI:10.1017/S001675680200701X
Zuykov, M., Hints, L. 2002. New species of Estlandia (Clitambonitidina, Brachiopoda) in the Upper Ordovician of the East Baltic. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 51, 3, 135-142. DOI:10.3176/geol.2002.3.01
Musteikis, P., Modzalevskaya, T. L. 2002. Some Silurian brachiopods from Lithuania and their palaeobiogeographical significance. Palaeontology 45, 3, 595–626. DOI:10.1111/1475-4983.00251
Holmer, L. E., Biernat, G. 2002. Lingulate brachiopods from Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc) chalcedonites, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47, 1, 141-156.
Vinn, O. 2001. A new subspecies of the clitambonitidine brachiopod Estlandia catellatus from the Middle Ordovician of Osmussaar Island, Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 50, 2, 86-94. DOI:10.3176/geol.2001.2.02
Holmer, L. E., Popov, L. E. 2000. Class Lingulata. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part H Brachiopoda, pp. 30-146.
Hints, L., Oraspõld, A., Kaljo, D. 2000. Stratotype of the Porkuni Stage with comments on the Röa Member (uppermost Ordovician, Estonia). Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 49, 3, 177-199. DOI:10.3176/geol.2000.3.02
Rubel, M., Wright, A. D. 2000. Clitambonitidina. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part H, Brachiopoda, Revised, Volume 3, pp. 692-708.
Popov, L. E., Holmer, L. E. 2000. Craniopsida. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part H Brachiopoda, pp. 164-168.
Popov, L. E., Holmer, L. E. 2000. Trimerellida. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part H (Revised) Brachiopoda, pp. 184-192.
Modzalevskaya, T. L., Rubel, M. 2000. Revision of the Silurian brachiopod Pentamerus samojedicus Keyserling, 1846 from the Timan Ridge, Russia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 49, 2, 147-156. DOI:10.3176/geol.2000.2.06
Vinn, O., Rubel, M. 2000. The spondylium and related structures in the clitambonitidine brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology 74, 3, 439-443. DOI:10.1017/S002233600003170X
Kaesler, R. L. (ed) 2000. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part H. Brachiopoda, Revised. Volume 2: Linguliformea, Craniiformea, and Rhynchonelliformea (part). pp. 1-423. University of Kansas Paleontological Institute.
Tinn, O. 1998. The Ordovician clitambonitidine brachiopod genus Vellamo in Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 47, 3, 195-216. DOI:10.3176/geol.1998.3.05
Puura, I. 1996. Lingulate brachiopods and biostratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary beds in Baltoscandia. Doctoral Thesis, pp. 1-214. Uppsala University.
Holmer, L. E., Popov, L. E. 1994. Revision of the type species of Acrotreta and related Lingulate brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology 68, 3, 433-450. DOI:10.1017/S002233600002583X
Popov, L., Holmer, L. E. 1994. Cambrian-Ordovician lingulate brachiopods from Scandinavia, Kazakhstan, and South Ural Mountains. Fossils and Strata 35, 1-156. DOI:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1994.tb01571.x
Popov L., Nõlvak J., Holmer, L. 1994. Late Ordovician lingulate brachiopods from Estonia. Palaeontology 37, 3, 627-650.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1993. A review of Estonian Ordovician rafinesquinids (Brachiopoda, Strophomenacea). Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 42, 4, 160-166. DOI:10.3176/geol.1993.4.03
Rõõmusoks, A. 1993. Some brachiopod genera of the subfamily Strophomeninae from the Ordovician of Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 42, 3, 110-117. DOI:10.3176/geol.1993.3.02
Andreev, D. A. 1993. New Ordovician Plectambonitacean brachiopods from Tuva and Leningrad oblast. Paleontologicheski Zhurnal 2, 50-55.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1993. Four new brachiopod genera of the subfamily Oepikinae (Strophomenacea) from the Ordovician of Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 42, 2, 48-57. DOI:10.3176/geol.1993.2.02
Wright, A. D. 1993. Subdivision of the lower Palaeozoic articulate brachiopod family Triplesiidae. Palaeontology 36, 2, 481-493.
Hints, L. 1993. Holorhynchus (Pentamerida, Brachiopoda) in the Upper Ordovician of Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 42, 3, 118-123. DOI:10.3176/geol.1993.3.03
Jaanusson, V., Bassett, M. G. 1993. Orthambonites and related Ordovician brachiopod genera. Palaeontology 36, 1, 21-63.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1991. On the stratigraphy and fauna of the boundary beds between the Pirgu and Porkuni stages in North Estonia. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis 934, XII, 23-42.
Holmer, H., Popov, L. E. 1990. The acrotretacean brachiopod Ceratreta tanneri (Metzger) from the Upper Cambrian of Baltoscandia. GFF 112, 3, 249-263. DOI:10.1080/11035899009454772
Hints, L. 1990. Ordovician articulate brachiopods. Field Meeting Estonia 1990. An Excursion Guidebook, pp. 58-61. Estonian Academy of Sciences.
List of species