
Bohemograptus praecornutus Urbanek, 1970

128     Bohemograptus arcuatus — Tsegelnjuk , lk. 128, joon. 40:6-9
1970     Bohemograptus praecornutus — Urbanek , lk. 301-310, joon. 20C, 23-24
1990     Bohemograptus praecornutus Urbanek — Lenz , joon. 3Q-R
1995     Bohemograptus praecornutus Urbanek, 1970 — Štroch , lk. 71-72, joon. 1:4; 3:4,7
1997     Bohemograptus praecornutus Urbanek — Urbanek et Teller , joon. 4:9
1999     Bohemograptus praecornutus Urbanek — Rickards et Wright , lk. 200, joon. 5C-L; 13K
2004     Bohemograptus praecornutus Urbanek, 1970 — Lenz et Kozlowska-Dawidziuk , lk. 33, joon. 44:13,19-22
2011     Bohemograptus praecornutus — Loydell , lk. 6
2012     Bohemograptus praecornutus — Paškevičius et al. , lk. 79
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Paškevičius, J., Klimantavičius, V., Radzevičius, S. 2012. Lithostratigraphy, graptolites and brachiopods communities of the Ludlow (Silurian) of the Eastern slope of the Baltic Syneclise. Geologija 54, 3, 75-88. DOI:10.6001/geologija.v54i3.2515
Loydell, D. K. 2012. Graptolite biozone correlation charts. Geological Magazine 149, 1, 124–132. DOI:10.1017/S0016756811000513
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