
Sulevorthis Jaanusson et Bassett, 1993

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Hints, L., Hints, O., Nemliher, R., Nõlvak, J. 2007. Hulterstad brachiopods and associated faunas in the Vormsi Stage (Upper Ordovician, Katian) of the Lelle core, Central Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 3, 131-142.
Jaanusson, V., Bassett, M. G. 1993. Orthambonites and related Ordovician brachiopod genera. Palaeontology 36, 1, 21-63.
Oraspõld, A. L. 1959. Some representatives of the Superfamily Orthacea from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia. Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Toimetised 75, I, 51-79.
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