
Oldhamia alata Seilacher, Buatois et Mángano, 2005

Taksoni kirjeldused

Seilacher et al., 2005

Diagnosis: Relatively complexOldhamiawith thin,unbranched probes which contour previous ones as inaLophoctenium-like spreite. Alternating wings areusually centrifugal and only occasionally centripetal,but successive probes always proceed to the convexside. Lobation within wings is common.

2005     Oldhamia alata isp. nov. — Seilacher et al.
2012     Oldhamia alata Seilacher, Buatois and Mángano, 2005 — Buatois & Mángano , lk. 13, joon. 7.1-7.6