
Stegerhynchus diodontus (Dalman, 1828)

1828     Terebratula diodonta — Dalman , lk. 142, joon. pl. 6: 4
1838     Terebratula diodonta Dalman — Hisinger , lk. 81, joon. pl. 23: 6
1858     Rhynchonella diodonta Dalman — Schmidt , lk. 211
1861     Rhynchonella borealis (schlotheim) var. diodonta (Dalman) — Lindström , lk. 365
1974     Ferganella diodonta (Dalman) — Bassett & Cocks , lk. 26, joon. pl. 8: 2
1976     Ferganella diodonta (Dalman) — Tsegelnjuk , lk. 76, joon. X 1, text fig. 8.1-10
1977     Stegerhynchus diodontus (Dalman, 1828) — Rubel & Rozman , lk. 227-230, joon. pl. 7: 7-10; pl. 8, pl.9; pl. 19: 1; text-fig 3-5
1984     Stegerhynchus diodontus (Dalman, 1828) — Rubel et al. , lk. 20
1990     Stegerhynchus diodonta (Dalman, 1828) — Modzalevskaya , lk. 69, joon. 1:9
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Rubel, M., Rozman, H. 1977. New species of Silurian rhynchonelloid species of Estonia. Facies and fauna of the Baltic Silurian, pp. 213-239. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S. S. R. Institute of Geology.
Bassett, M. G., Cocks, L. R. M. 1974. A review of Silurian brachiopods from Gotland. Fossils and Strata 3, 1-56.
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