
Lobograptus Urbanek, 1958

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Paškevičius, J., Klimantavičius, V., Radzevičius, S. 2012. Lithostratigraphy, graptolites and brachiopods communities of the Ludlow (Silurian) of the Eastern slope of the Baltic Syneclise. Geologija 54, 3, 75-88. DOI:10.6001/geologija.v54i3.2515
Loydell, D. K. 2012. Graptolite biozone correlation charts. Geological Magazine 149, 1, 124–132. DOI:10.1017/S0016756811000513
Paškevičius, J. 1979. Biostratigraphy and Graptolites of the Lithuanian Silurian. pp. 1-267. Mokslas.
Krandijevsky, V. S. 1968. Граптолиты силура Волыно-Подолии. Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Lower Paleozoic of Volyn-Podola, pp. 26-62. Naukova Dumka.
Gailite, L. K., Rybnikova, M. V., Ulst, R. Ž. 1967. Stratigrafiâ, fauna i usloviâ obrazovaniâ silurijskih porod Srednej Pribaltiki. pp. 1-304. Zinatne.
Urbanek, A. 1966. On the morphology and evolution of the Cucullograptinae (Monograptidae, Graptolithina). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 11, 3-4, 292-544.