
Diplichnites Dawson, 1873

Taxon description

Hammersburg et al., 2018

Diagnosis.— Simple trackways of punctate to elongate track impressions in parallel track rows; track impressions closely and regularly spaced, and normal or oblique to trackway axis (Häntzschel, 1975; Briggs, Rolfe, & Brannan, 1979; Fillion & Pickerill, 1990).


Gibb et al., 2017

Remarks: Seilacher (1985, p. 234) clearly stated that Diplichnites is an undertrack of Cruziana. This would occur when the organism, digging into a mud–sand interface (Seilacher, 1955b,1970; Birkenmajer and Bruton,1971; Goldring and Seilacher,1971; Seilacher,1983,1985,1986,2007) is not digging as“deeply”as observed with Cruziana trackways. While Crimes (1970b, p. 64,fig. 6) suggested that whether an organism produced Cruziana or Diplichnites is a function of the speed of locomotion, with Diplichnites resulting from a faster speed of travel for the organism than that of an organism making Cruziana.Crimes (1970b, p. 57, pl. 9f) and Osgood (1970, p. 352) also considered that some Cruziana to Diplichnites trackways are transitional. This transitional nature was also illustrated by Young (1972, pp. 13–14, figs. 6,7), though he identified them as Diplichnites from the Gog Group.

Briggs et al., 1979

Emanded diagnosis: Morphologically simple trail, up to 36 cm wide, consisting of two parallel series of tracks (each up tom 9 cm Wide); indiwidual tracks elongate roughly normal to trail axis, spaced closely and regularly at up to about on per cm.

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Davies, N. S., Sansom, I. J., Turner, P. 2006. Trace fossils and paleoenvironments of a Late Silurian marginal-marine/alluvial system: the Ringerike Group (Lower Old Red Sandstone), Oslo Region, Norway. Palaios 21, 1, 46-62. DOI:10.2110/palo.2003.p03-08
List of species
1. Diplichnites gouldi (Gevers, 1971) | SilurianDevonian