
Diplichnites triassicus (Linck, 1943)

Taxon description

Lucas et al., 2006b

Description: All trackway specimens are preserved in concave epirelief on the tops of coarse-grained and laminar sandstone slabs. The trackways consist of two parallel rows of simple imprints that appear as rounded or elongate pits. The external trackway widths are between 12 and 15 mm. The maximum trackway lengths extend to 150 mm. The trackway courses are straight to gently curved. Rheotaxic alignment between trackways is seen on most slabs, although sharp-angled overcrossing of individual trackways also occurs (P-22441; Fig. 2B-C). Specimens P-22439 and P-22437 (Fig. 2A) each contain a single trackway. All of the other slabs contain multiple trackways, several of which are more faintly impressed than others on the same surfaces. Occasionally, only a single track row is preserved.

1992     Diplichnites triassicus (Linck, 1943) — Pickerill , pp. 23
2006     Diplichnites triassicus (Linck, 1943) — Lucas et al. , pp. 118, fig. 2A-C
2008     Diplichnites triassicus (Linck, 1943) — Pollard et al. , pp. 402