
Bergaueria baltica Pacześna, 1996

Taxon description

Description . — Cylindri al convex hyporeliefs with convex lower termination and with regular, broad, slightly convex, well marked margin. The burrows are 10 to 20 mm long and their diameter varies from 20 to 30 mm. The “lobes” on specimen IGPUW Tf/1/275 (Fig. 3c) are apparent.

Remarks. — This ichnospecies differs from B. perata in possessing a broad, well visible margin around the central convex part. In this respect the trace is identical to Bergaueria baltica Pacześna from northern Poland and the Lublin region (Pacześna, 1996, pl. 1, figs. 2–4). The trace resembles specimens of B. hemispherica figured by Crimes et al. (1977), which are, however, generally with out any ornamentation. Although Bergaueria-type trace fossils are typically considered as of sea-anemone ori in, those without a central depression (B. hemispherica or B. baltica) might possibly be of other ori in.

1996     Bergaueria baltica nov. ichnosp. — Pacześna , pp. 55, fig. Pl. 1:2-4
2002     Bergaueria baltica Pacześna, 1996 — Orłowski & Żylińska , pp. 137, fig. Fig. 3c, f