
Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945

Taxon description

Orłowski & Żylińska, 2002

Description . — Cylindrical convex hyporeliefs with rounded base bearing a shall 15 to 45 mm. Walls occasionally with rings parallel to bedding planes.

Remarks. — The specimens described occur in strata older than those described previously from the area (Orłowski, 1989), thus extending the stratigraphic range of the taxon in the Holy Cross Mts. The parallel rings present on sides of specimens may result from compaction of sediment.

1946     Bergaueria perata n. g. n. sp. — Prants , pp. 51, fig. 1:1, 2
1963     Bergaueria perata Prantl — Radwañski and Roniewicz , pp. 271, fig. 9.1–9.3
1989     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Pickerill , pp. 192, fig. 3a-d
1989     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Orłowski , pp. 225, fig. 18:3
1990     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Pemberton & Magwood , pp. 437, fig. 2:1-2:3; 3:3
1996     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Paczeœna , pp. 56, fig. 1.6, 1.7
1996     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Orłowski & Źylińska , pp. 403, fig. 11C-F
1997     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Jensen , pp. 37
2002     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Orłowski & Źylińska , pp. 137, fig. 3A, B
2006     Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 — Gámez Vintaned et al. , pp. 452, fig. 6.1–6.4
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Jensen, S., Grant, S. W. F. 1998. Trace fossils from the Dividalen Group, northern Sweden: implications for Early Cambrian biostratigraphy of Baltica. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 78, 4, 305-317.
Jensen, S. 1997. Trace fossils from the Lower Cambrian Mickwitzia sandstone, south-central Sweden. Fossils and Strata 42, 1-110.
Orłowski, S., Żylińska, A. 1996. Non-arthropod burrows from the Middle and Late Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 41, 4, 385-409.
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