
Caulostrepsis biforans (Gripp, 1967)

Taxon description

Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis– (Translation from the original German; after Hillmer & Schulz, 1973, p.10) “Long, blindly ending, slightly curved, tubular boring. Cross-section of the distal end is weakly dumb-bell to oval-shaped. At the proximal end of the trace four parallel rows of dimple-shaped chambers may occur.”

Description– Borings Y-shaped with circular apertural openings. The diameter of each aperture on individual specimens is constant. For the figured specimen the diameter is c. 110 μm. The borings are perpendicular to the substrate surface.

1967     Polydora biforans — Gripp , pp. 9, fig. Pl. 1:3-5
1968     Polydora biforans — Gripp , pp. 378, fig. fig. 7, 10, 11
1972     Trypanites biforans — Bromley , pp. 96, fig. fig. 1j
1973     Ramosulcichnus biforans — Hillmer & Schulz , pp. 10
2007     Ramosulcichnus biforans (Gripp, 1967) — Blisset & Pickerill , pp. 94, fig. 4:4
2017     Ramosulcichnus biforans (Gripp, 1967) — Wisshak et al. , fig. 6b-d
2019     Caulostrepsis biforans — Wisshak et al.