
Favosites similis Sokolov, 1952

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Favosites forbesi

Taxon ID: 11570
Fossil group: Tabulata
Belongs to: Favosites
Other version of taxon: Favosites forbesi
Stratigraphic distribution: Rootsiküla StageOhesaare Stage (header.f_taxon_age_within 424.6 – 416.0 header.f_taxon_age_within_unit)
Synonymy list
1952     Favosites forbesi M. Edwards et Haime var. similis var. n. — Sokolov , pp. 49-50, fig. 18:3-4
1962     Favosites similis Sokolov, 1952 — Klaamann , pp. 36-38, fig. 6:1-6
1967     Favosites similis Sokolov, 1952 — Stasinska , pp. 84, fig. 25:2a-b
1978     Favosites forbesi Milne-Edwards et Haime, 1851 — Stel , pp. 56
Selection of related publications
Stasinska, A. 1967. Tabulata from Norway, Sweden and from the erratic boulders of Poland. Palaeontologia Polonica 18, 1-112.
Klaamann, E. R. 1962. Upper Silurian Tabulata of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IX, 25-70.
References based on distribution