
Cyathophyllum rosenii Dybowski, 1874

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Entelophyllum articulatum

Taxon ID: 8648
Fossil group: Rugosa
Belongs to: Cyathophyllum
Other version of taxon: Entelophyllum articulatum
Stratigraphic distribution: Katian (header.f_taxon_age_within 453.0 – 445.2 header.f_taxon_age_within_unit)
Synonymy list
1874     Cyathophyllum Rosenii n. sp. — Dybowski , pp. 419, 443-445, fig. Taf. III fig 3,3a
Selection of related publications
Dybowski, W. N. 1874. Monographie der Zoantharia sclerodermata rugosa aus der Silurformation Estlands, Nord-Livlands und der Insel Gotland (Fortsetzung). Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands 5, 4, 415-531. Druck von Heinr. Laakmann.
References based on distribution