
Bilobia musca (Öpik, 1930)
Type specimen data
Synonymy list
1930     Leptelloidea musca n. sp. — Öpik , pp. 140 , fig. pl. 8: 95, 97-103, 106-108
1933     Leptelloidea musca Öpik — Öpik , pp. 34 , fig. pl.6: 2-3
1951     Leptelloidea musca Öpik — Alichova , pp. 46-47 , fig. pl. 3: 56-58
1969     Bilobia musca (Öpik) — Alichova , pp. 50-51 , fig. pl. 8: 1-3
2000     Bilobia musca (Öpik) — Cocks & Rong , pp. 331 , fig. fig. 216, 2e-f
Selection of related publications
Balthasar, U., Jin, J., Hints, L., Cusack, M. 2020. Brachiopod shell thickness links environment and evolution. Palaeontology 63, 1, 171-183. DOI:10.1111/pala.12450
Madison, A. A. 2019. Shell Microstructure of Strophomenide Bilobia Cooper (Brachiopoda) from the Late Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Paleontological Journal 53, 1, 30-43. DOI:10.1134/S0031030119010052
Öpik, A. 1930. Brachiopoda Protremata der estländischen ordovizischen Kukruse-Stufe. Tartu Ülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi Toimetused 20, 1-261.
References based on distribution