
Haplacanthus Agassiz, 1845

Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Pinakhina, D. V. 2018. Srednedevonskie akantodovye ryby (Acanthodii) Severo-Zapadnogo subregiona Vostočno-Evropejskoi Platformy. pp. 1-381. St. Peterburg State University.
Lyarskaya, L. A. 1978. Rezeknenskaâ svita i eë vozrastnye analogi. Stratigraphy of the Baltic Phanerozoic, pp. 22-39. Zinatne.
Lyarskaya, L. A. 1975. New data on acanthodii of the Middle Devonian of the Baltic. The Fauna and Stratigraphy of Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Baltic and Byelorussia, pp. 227-232. Mintis.
Gross, W. 1940. Acanthodier und Placodermen aus den Heterostius-Schichten Estlands und Lettlands. Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aruanded 46, 12-99.