Svalbardichnus Wisshak, Volohonsky, Seilacher et Freiwald, 2004
Taxon description
Wisshak et al., 2004a
Diagnosis: Three-lobed, bilaterally symmetrical trace, about twice as long as wide, preserved as convexhyparelief. The central lobe is longest, may bear lateral lobes to approximately two thirds of the lenght. The relief is highest near the posterior limit of the lateral lobes. The central lobe continues backward and tapers until it merges into the sole face.
Selection of related publications
Wisshak, M., Volohonsky, E., Seilacher, A., Freiwald, A. 2004. A trace fossil assemblage from fluvial Old Red deposits (Wood Bay Formation; Lower to Middle Devonian) of NW-Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Lethaia 37, 2, 149-163. DOI:10.1080/00241160410005763