Epibaion Ivantsov, 2002
Ivantsov, 2011
Diagnosis. Positive imprints on bottom surfaceof bed left by ventral side of organism relative to extinctthe Phylum Proarticulata; solitary or assembled inaccumulations and trails. Completely formed solitarytrace (trace platform) have rounded, elliptical or elongatedoval outline, with somewhat blunt anterior end.It is composed of two rows of densely packed rightand leftsided banded elements (metaisomers). Opposite metaisomers alternating. Metaisomers generallyradially orientated, but twothirds of these in middlepart of imprint orientated transversely to its axis, orinclined backward. Sometimes metaisomers orientateanteriorad absent. External ends of metaisomers bluntor pointed, but often not discernible. One end ofimprint or it axis may possess unsegmented lobe. Borders between metaisomers and between them andlobes, including axial lobe, have appearance of grooves.
- Ivantsov, 2013a Winter Mountains, White Sea Winter Coast, Arkhangelsk Region Ediacaran