
Leptaena (Leptaena) rugosoides Oraspõld, 1956

Type specimen data
holotype: TUG 242-37 , Rakvere, Keila Stage (Keila Stage, Kurtna Mb.; Sandbian - Katian)
Synonymy list
1956     Leptaena rugosa (Hisinger) — Sokolskaya , pp. 56, fig. pl. 3: 8
1956     Leptaena rugosoides Männil (in coll.) — Oraspõld , pp. 52(pars), fig. pl. 2: 7, 9-11 (non fig. 8)
1969     Leptaena (Leptaena) rugosoides Männil (in coll.) — Alichova , pp. 57-58, fig. pl. 9: 6-8
1997     Leptaena rugosoides Oraspõld, 1956 — Paskevisius , pp. 334
2004     Kurnamena rugosoides (Oraspõld, 1956) — Rõõmusoks , pp. 59, fig. pl. 18: 11, pl 20: 4, pl 24: 9-12, pl. 27: 4-6
Selection of related publications
Oraspõld, A. L. 1956. New brachiopods from the Jõhvi, Keila and Vasalemma stages. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused I, 41-67.