Atrypa Dalman, 1828
Selection of related publications
Baarli, B. G. 2021. Survival and recovery atrypid fauna following the terminal Ordovician extinction, the Atrypinae: central Oslo Region, Norway. Historical Biology 33, 3, 403-440. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2019.1620228
Copper, P. 2004. Silurian (Late Llandovery-Ludlow) Atrypid Brachiopods from Gotland, Sweden, and Welsh Borderlands, Great Britain. pp. 1-219. DOI:10.1139/9780660190112
Rubel, M., Musteikis, P., Popov, L. 1984. Sistematicheskii spisok brahiopod silura Pribaltiki [Систематический список брахиопод силура Прибалтики]. pp. 1-36. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia.
Bekker, H. 1924. Devon Irboska ümbruses: stratigraafia, fauna ja paleogeograafia. Eesti Loodusteaduse Arhiiv X, 1, 1-55. K. Mattiesen.
List of species
1. Atrypa (Atrypa affinis (J. Sowerby, 1822) | Wenlock
4. Atrypa (Atrypa) harknessi Alexander, 1949 | Wenlock
5. Atrypa (Atrypa) murchisoni Alexander, 1949 | Ludlow
6. Atrypa (Atrypa) reticularis (Linnaeus, 1758) | Ludlow
7. Atrypa (Atrypa) slitea Copper, 2004 | Wenlock
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Brachiopoda |
Subphylum | Rhynchonelliformea |
Class | Rhynchonellata |
Order | Atrypida |
Suborder | Atrypidina |
Superfamily | Atrypoidea |
Family | Atrypidae |
Subfamily | Atrypinae |
Genus | Askerina |
Atrypa | |
Subgenus | (Atrypa) |
Species | orbicularis |
Genus | Eiratrypa |
Endea | |
Gotatrypa | |
Joviatrypa | |
Nottina | |
Oglupes | |
Protatrypa | |
Reticulatrypa | |
Rhinatrypa | |
Sifella | |
Zygospiraella |