Karlsorus gothlandicus (Lebedeff, 1892)
Synonymy list
1892 Pentamerus gothlandicus — Lebedeff , pp. 22, fig. pl. 2: 11-12
1974 Pentamerus gothlandicus Lebedev, 1892 — Bassett and Cocks , pp. 23
1977 Pentamerus gothlandicus — Bassett , pp. 47, fig. 1-3, text fig. 19
1978 Pentamerus gothlandicus — Nikiforova , pp. 170, fig. 1:1-5
1984 Pentamerus gothlandicus Lebedev, 1892 — Rubel et al. , pp. 19
2017 Karlsorus gothlandicus (Lebedev, 1892) — Jin & Holmer , pp. 3, fig. 1-3
Selection of related publications
Jin, J., Holmer, L. E. 2017. Pentameroid brachiopod Karlsorus new genus from the upper Wenlock (Silurian) Slite Beds, Gotland, Sweden. Journal of Paleontology 91, 5, 911-918. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2017.46
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Brachiopoda |
Subphylum | Rhynchonelliformea |
Class | Rhynchonellata |
Order | Pentamerida |
Suborder | Pentameridina |
Superfamily | Pentameroidea |
Family | Pentameridae |
Genus | Karlsorus |
Species | gothlandicus |
References based on distribution
- Jin & Holmer, 2017 Djupvik, Gotland Wenlock
- Jin & Holmer, 2017 Tjeldersholm 1, Gotland Wenlock
- Jin & Holmer, 2017 Blåhäll, Gotland Wenlock
- Jin & Holmer, 2017 Fröjel, Gotland Wenlock