
Stricklandioidea Schuchert et Cooper, 1931

Selection of related publications
Rubel, M., Musteikis, P., Popov, L. 1984. Sistematicheskii spisok brahiopod silura Pribaltiki [Систематический список брахиопод силура Прибалтики]. pp. 1-36. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia.
Rubel, M. 1977. Evolution of the genus Stricklandia (Pentamerida, Brach.) in the Llandovery of Estonia. Facies and fauna of the Baltic Silurian, pp. 193-212. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituut.
Rubel, M. 1977. Revision of Silurian Dayiacea (Brach.) from the North-East Baltic. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология 26, 3, 211-220. DOI:10.3176/chem.geol.1977.3.08
Rubel, M. 1970. Silurian Brachiopods Pentamerida and Spiriferida of Estonia. pp. 1-75. Valgus.
List of species