Calostylina Prantl, 1957
Selection of related publications
Kazantseva, E. S. 2023. Co-Growth in Rugosa: Types, Morphology, Special Features and Origin. Paleontological Journal 57, 9, 931-1042. DOI:10.1134/S003103012309006X
Vinn, O., Ernst, A., Toom, U. 2017. Rare rugosan-bryozoan intergrowth from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia. Carnets de Géologie 17, 7, 145-151. DOI:10.4267/2042/62664
Vinn, O., Ernst, A., Toom, U. 2016. Earliest symbiotic rugosans in cystoporate bryozoan Ceramopora intercellata Bassler, 1911 from Late Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 140-144. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.08.016
Mõtus, M.-A., Hints, O. (eds) 2007. 10th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Excursion B2: Lower Paleozoic geology and corals of Estonia. Excursion Guidebook. pp. 1-64. Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology.
Jeppsson, L., Calner, M., Eriksson, M. 2005. Locality descriptions. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Rapporter och Meddelanden 121, 22-47.
Weyer, D. 1997. Lambelasma balticum n. sp. (Anthozoa, Rugosa) aus einem baltoskandischen Oberordoviz-Geschiebe. Berliner Beiträge zur Geschibeforschung 43-50.
Weyer, D. 1993. Lambelasma carinatum, eine neue Rugose Koralle aus dem Mittel-Ordoviz von Estland. Abhandlungen und Berichte für Naturkunde 16, 70-77.
Weyer, D. 1985. Dybowskinia rakverensis, a new lambelasmatid coral (Rugosa) from the Middle Ordovician of Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология 34, 4, 130-132. DOI:10.3176/geol.1985.4.02
Weyer, D. 1984. Lambelasma narvaense, a new rugose coral from the Middle Ordovician of Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология 33, 3/4, 92-95. DOI:10.3176/geol.1984.3/4.01
Weyer, D. 1983. Lambelasma-Arten (Anthozoa, Rugosa) aus dem baltoskandischen Mittelordoviz. Freiberger Forschungsheft C384, 7-19.
Weyer, D. 1973. Über den Ursprung der Calostylidae Zittel 1879 (Anthozoa Rugosa, Ordoviz-Silur). Freiberger Forschungsheft C282, 23-87.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1970. Stratigraphy of the Viruan Series (Middle Ordovician) in Northern Estonia, I. pp. 1-346. Valgus.
Kaljo, D. L. 1958. Some new and little-known Baltic Tetracorals. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused III, 101-123.
Reiman, V. M. 1958. New rugose corals from upper Ordovician and Llandoverian deposits of Baltic. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused II, 33-47.
Kaljo, D. L., Reiman, V. M. 1958. Two new species of Calostylis from the Llandovery of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused II, 27-31.
Kaljo, D. 1957. The Baltic Ordovician and Llandoverian Codonophyllacea. Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aastaraamat 1957, pp. 153-168. Loodusuurijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia juures.
Kaljo, D. L. 1956. On the streptelasmide rugose corals of the Ordovician of East Baltic. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused I, 68-73.
Kjerulf, T. 1865. Veiviser ved geologiske excursioner i Christiania Omegn med et Farvetrykt Kart or Flere Traensit. Universitätsprogram for andet Halvaar 1865. pp. . Brøgger & Christie's Bogtrykkeri.
List of species
1. Calostylis concavifundatus Reiman, 1958 | Porkuni Stage
2. Calostylis concavotabulata Ma, 1933 | Silurian
3. Calostylis cribraria Lindström, 1868 | Wenlock
5. Calostylis lindstroemi Nicholson et Etheridge, 1878 | Silurian
6. Calostylis luhai Kaljo, 1958 | Adavere Stage
7. Coelolasma neumani Weyer, 1973 | Upper Ordovician
8. Coelostylis compactum (Hill, 1953) | Ordovician
9. Coelostylis duncanae Weyer, 1973 | Upper Ordovician
10. Coelostylis plicata (Sytova, 1975) | Viru Series
11. Coelostylis toernquisti (Lindström, 1873) | Upper Ordovician
12. Dybowskinia dybowskii Weyer, 1973 | Keila Stage
13. Dybowskinia rakverensis Weyer, 1985 | Rakvere Stage
14. Estonielasma antiqua (Reiman, 1958) | Vormsi Stage
15. Estonielasma hemicymatelasma (Reiman, 1957) | Vormsi Stage
16. Estonielasma praecox (Kaljo, 1957) | Oandu Stage
17. Helminthidium mirum Lindström, 1882 | Ludlow
18. Lambelasma atavum (Kaljo, 1958) | Rakvere Stage
20. Lambelasma carinatum Weyer, 1993 | Oandu Stage
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Cnidaria |
Subphylum | Anthozoa |
Subclass | Rugosa |
Order | Stauriida |
Suborder | Arachnophyllina |
Aulophyllina | |
Calostylina | |
Family | Calostylidae |
Lambelasmatidae | |
Neotryplasmatidae | |
Suborder | Columnariina |
Cyathophyllina | |
Ketophyllina | |
Lycophyllina | |
Metriophyllina | |
Monacanthina | |
Plerophyllina | |
Ptenophyllina | |
Stauriina | |
Streptelasmatina | |
Genus | Nanophyllum |