Productorthis obtusa (Pander, 1830)
Type specimen data
neotype: Department of Geology, TalTech GIT 125-53, Kolchanovo quarry, Leningrad Oblast, Volkhov Stage (Volkhov Stage; Dapingian)
Synonymy list
1830 Productus obtusus — Pander , pp. 87, fig. 26; 7a-c
1830 Productus subrotundus — Pander , pp. 87, fig. 26; 6a-c
1927 Producorthis obtusa — Kozłowski , pp. 9, fig. 1; 7a-c-9a-c,
1953 Producorthis obtusa(Pander) forma typica — Alichova , pp. 44, fig. 4; 4-12
1961 Productorthis obtusa (Pander, 1830) — Rubel , pp. 167, fig. 10: 8-11; 11: 1-7
Selection of related publications
Rubel, M. P. 1961. Lower-Ordovician brachiopods of the superfamilies Orthacea, Dalmanellacea and Syntrophiacea of Eastern Baltic. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused VI, 141-226.
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Brachiopoda |
Subphylum | Rhynchonelliformea |
Class | Rhynchonellata |
Order | Orthida |
Suborder | Orthidina |
Superfamily | Orthoidea |
Family | Productorthidae |
Subfamily | Productorthinae |
Genus | Productorthis |
Species | aculeata |
eminens | |
obtusa | |
parallela |