
Onniella trigona Rubel, 1962

Type specimen data
holotype: Department of Geology, TalTech GIT 127-1, Laeva 297 borehole (Laeva drill core) , Juuru Stage (Rhuddanian; Juuru Stage) , 125.25 m
Synonymy list
1962     Onniella trigona sp. n. — Rubel , pp. 174, fig. 2: 11-15; 3: 1-4; non pl. 1: 16-17
1967     Onniella trigona Rubel, 1962 — Rybnikova in Gailite et al. , pp. 173, fig. 14: 6
1967     Dalmanella neocrassa — Rybnikova , pp. 171, fig. 15:2-4
1975     Onniella trigona Rubel, 1962 — Hints , pp. 45-47, fig. 11: 8-13
1984     Onniella trigona Rubel, 1962 — Rubel et al. , pp. 8
1989     Onniella trigona — Basset et al. , pp. 163
2011     Onniella trigona Rubel, 1962 — Rubel , pp. 44-45, fig. 24: 11-20; 26: 1-16
Selection of related publications
Rubel, M. 2011. Silurian brachiopods Dictyonellida, Strophomenida, Productida, Orthotetida, Protorthida and Orthida from Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 4, pp. 1-133. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia instituut.
Hints, L. 1975. Brahiopody Enteletacea ordovika Pribaltiki. pp. 1-119. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia.
Rubel, M. P. 1962. New species of brachiopods (Dalmanellidae) from the Llandoverian of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused X, 173-186.
References based on distribution
  • Rubel, 2011   Pärnu 1 borehole   197.35 - 235.6   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Seliste 173 borehole   239.1 - 334.1   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Laeva 297 borehole   96.39 - 148.05   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Kihnu 526 borehole   317 - 317   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Murika 511 borehole   109.6 - 117   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Taagepera borehole   302.5 - 404   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Kabala 13a borehole, Järvamaa   7.35 - 112   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Varbla 502 borehole   236.8 - 255.6   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Koksvere 107 borehole   94.6 - 94.6   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Sulustvere borehole   187.25 - 187.25   Juuru Stage