
Isorthinae Schuchert et Cooper, 1931

Selection of related publications
Rubel, M. 2011. Silurian brachiopods Dictyonellida, Strophomenida, Productida, Orthotetida, Protorthida and Orthida from Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 4, pp. 1-133. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia instituut.
Hints, L. 1975. Brahiopody Enteletacea ordovika Pribaltiki. pp. 1-119. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia.
Rubel, M. P. 1963. Silurian brachiopods Orthida of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused XIII, 109-160.
Rubel, M. P. 1962. New species of brachiopods (Dalmanellidae) from the Llandoverian of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused X, 173-186.
List of species
1. Isorthis crassa (Lindström, 1861) | Adavere StageJaani Stage
2. Isorthis estona (Alichova, 1953) | Vormsi StagePirgu Stage
3. Isorthis loveni (Lindström, 1861) | LlandoveryWenlock
4. Isorthis mediocra (Rubel, 1962) | Juuru StageRaikküla Stage
6. Isorthis parvulus Rybnikova, 1967 | Juuru StageJaani Stage
8. Isorthis usari Rubel, 1963 | Kaugatuma StageOhesaare Stage
9. Levenea canaliculata (Lindström, 1861) | Jaani StageOhesaare Stage